With a continuously increasing number of discovered exoplanets, research is shifting from pure detection to characterization of planets. The rapidly improving quality of observing tools and the success of space-based observations of exoplanets are driving detection and characterization toward ever smaller planets; several rocky planets have already been detected in or near habitable zones around their host stars.
Exoplanetary studies are increasingly confronted with questions on habitable conditions. These conditions are determined by various astrophysical factors such as stellar high-energy radiation, particle winds, magnetic fields, accreting small bodies, planetary collisions, and planetary system dynamics.
This conference addresses astrophysical factors and processes that are pivotal for the formation, sustainability, and evolution of habitable conditions on planets from the era of planet formation in disks to the end of the main sequence life of the host star.
Key issues include, among others
The conference will consist of invited and contributed talks, and will offer ample opportunities for poster presentations.
A social program will be offered, including a visit to a monastery, a reception at the Vienna University Observatory, a visit to the Natural History Museum (meteorite collection), and a conference dinner at the town hall.